Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Man all stations!

I am docked at my station, and soon propel in time with my fellow crew. The process becomes automatic, as a small wave approaches. The current is steady, the routine established. The swell quickly abates, lulling the company. It is calm... for now.

Just as the banality seems enduring, a storm rushes and the waves begin again. Exhilarating at first, we remain guilelessly unaware of the oncoming tempest. Our strokes quicken, as it's true intention exposed. The faster we plow through the endless reservoir, the more we are drenched. Though the surge tidal, my captain is unyielding. The deckhands are overwhelmed with duties, there will be no reprieve. Bells ringing in our ears, as the tolls continue to register. My back is aching, and though some of the crew relieved, i must remain. Time is eternal, as i charge onward into the abyss. Exhaustion ensues; i will not succumb. The ebb dwindles, and i break ahead. My conviction revives. Obediently abiding my mission. Though i ache for amnesty, I know there is none. My agenda is clear. Dolefully I bellow, "Next in line!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I got hit by a car the other day

I got hit by a car the other day.
The lady asked me if i was ok,
but then that bitch just drove away.
I turned around and shouted hey!
but there was nothing left to say.
Then my emotions did betray,
and i'm only telling you this way,
because it's hard for me to convey,
that i got hit by a car the other day.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I think that i should go insane
for a vacation to my brain.
An asylum, then, would do the trick,
i hear there walls are rather thick.
I wouldn't like to Be insane,
as there is no apparent gain.
But think of all the time there'd be
to dwell on my favorite subject, me.
The time to read or write a book,
Does one need a better hook?
And so, if this trip, i do make,
it seems that i will have to fake
A symptom, then, to get a bed.
But what disorder for my head?
Attempted suicide, but a fatal mistake?
My neck has no desire to break.
If i were more of an academic
I could go for schizophrenic.
But, alas, that wouldn't do,
I would only last a day or too.
But if i perfect my evil laugh,
i could be a psychopath.
Yes that would gather their attention,
I can already taste that tax-exemption.
My credit bills would go away,
'cause i'd be in no state to pay.
But how to prove it, that's the key,
i couldn't kill anybody.
But animal dissection, or so i hear,
is a good way to prove that your brain is queer.
The only thing i didn't think,
is all that time spent with a shrink.
And what about the other clowns?
my smile is turning upside down.
A thought, i guess, that will not be,
unless i really turn funny.
Alas, a daydream you will stay,
remembered on another day.